• Baltic Sea: At a glance
  • Insights from the Baltic Sea

Baltic Sea

Management structures in the Baltic Sea must be adapted to mitigate challenges relating to the impact of changing environments and ecologies on fisheries, in the context of wider ecosystem interactions, while accounting for the additional complexity presented by invasive species and the unprecedented rate of warming in the area.

SEAwise has tested the potential effects of different management strategies, including under varying climate scenarios. This will ensure that research outputs, and eventual management advice, are resilient to future changes.

Case Studies

Here you can explore a range of social and ecological categories related to the Baltic Sea fisheries, and how these are expected to change over time and according to different scenarios, based on SEAwise research. 

Clicking on the icons allows you to explore each category in more depth, while the filters below allow you to visualise the trade-offs across these categories, under different climate change and fisheries management scenarios. 

Also provided is an indication of any gaps relating to our knowledge relating to these categories, alongside links to key SEAwise reports and the technical SEAwise EBFM Toolbox where these categories and the research underpinning the EBFM Tool can be explored more fully.


  • Climate change scenario A
    Climate change scenario A

    Assumes a continuation of the current trajectory of warming.

  • Climate change scenario B
    Climate change scenario B

    Assumes a trajectory of more extreme warming, driven by higher emissions, resulting in more severe impacts.

  • Status quo
    Status quo

    Assumes a continuation of current effort and exploitation patterns.

  • PGY

    Assumes the adoption of a more flexible PYG approach, with a less severe effort reduction to achieve 95% MSY for key target stocks.

  • FMSY

    Assumes a strict MSY approach, whereby effort and catch limits are reduced to achieve MSY for key target stocks.

  • Case Specific
    Case Specific

    Assumes an additional management scenario specific to the case (further details can be found above).

Case Study Regions

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