North Sea
Table Data

North Sea

Fisheries in the North Sea are faced with rapidly rising ocean temperatures, increasing demand for space from offshore wind developments, and changes to fishing-access due to Brexit. The dynamic policy landscape and environmental challenges currently facing the region mean that management advice must be both resilient and responsive to swift change.

SEAwise has considered the rapid changes currently happening in the North Sea, and the potential future impacts of different management strategies on fisheries, society, and the region’s ecosystems to offer EBFM advice that balances these needs. 


As part of this, SEAwise has assessed the overall performance of fisheries management for the North Sea, based on the main policy instruments governing the region – the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) – across environmental, social and ecological dimensions.

Though there have been some positive improvements, most objectives have not been achieved for North Sea fisheries. While the situation for stocks in the North Sea has been improving, the ecological, economic and social outlook for fisheries remains mixed. Progress on broader biodiversity indicators including seafloor integrity and marine litter has also been limited. 

  • Fish Stocks
  • Biodiversity
  • Habitats
  • Communities
  • Revenue
  • Well-Being

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