This SEAwise EBFM Tool is designed to allow stakeholders to explore the key results of the SEAwise project in an accessible, open access format. The tool can be used to gain a better understanding of the trade-offs associated with different fisheries management interventions, under different climate change scenarios, across four Case Study Regions – the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and Western Waters.
It will help you to assess these trade-offs across social, economic and ecological dimensions in each of these regions, and lead you to further information on each of these topics. In doing so, the tool is designed to support the effective implementation of Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) in Europe.
EBFM is an approach to fisheries management that recognises the need to consider the social and economic benefits arising from fisheries (such as food provision, employment, and cultural heritage) as well as the impacts they have on the environment, and to balance these. While the benefits of EBFM are widely recognised, a number of core challenges currently pose barriers to its effective uptake in fisheries across Europe. SEAwise has sought to identify and address these challenges.
To dive into the tool, click on the region of the map you are interested in exploring.
For more information on the four SEAwise Case Study regions, hover over the name of the region, or click on a section of the map to enter the SEAwise EBFM tool.
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Enter word here | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore |
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