Special Issue Publication

ICES Journal of Marine Science will publish a special issue based on the symposium in January 2027. The issue will cover contents from the symposium’s theme sessions, alongside a general introduction. 

Participants may submit work presented at the symposium for publication in the special issue of the ICES Journal of Marine Science. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time from January 1st 2025 to December 31st 2025. Papers will be released as they are accepted for publication (i.e., not held until the final completion of the special issue). 

The submission process will follow the standard process for the IJMS, please read the “How to get published in ICESJMS”. Please indicate in your cover letter that the submitted manuscript is intended for the Operationalising European Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Symposium special issue and associate your submission with the symposium by selecting it from the drop-down menu during the submission process.

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